all must decide where we stand on the burning issues on the day, and I've finally decided that I do not believe Paula Jones. Not that I don't want a trial: it will be damn entertaining, for one. And I'm not worried about the President being distracted, as he doesn't seem to be doing much of anything these days, except for raising money and putzing around with golf pros at one in the morning.

But after reading the important sections of Jones' complaint (meaning the parts with sex in them), there is a lot in that just doesn't ring true. Take her contention that Clinton pulled out his erect penis and asked her to "kiss it." Anyone with a little brains and experience with women - and our Commander in Chief has both - knows that a gesture like that is a pretty big long-shot. Now, if she described him laying on sticky-sweet Southern charm, with Hillary in the next room, I would have no problem believing it. But behavior so crass just doesn't sound like the Slickster - a contention, by the way, echoed by Clinton acquaintances from Susan Estrich to Gennifer Flowers.

I am also dubious of Jones' claim that she saw "distinguishing characteristics" on the Presidential peter. This seems to be an attempt to get the President to settle before he's forced to show his stuff to the court.

Nobody wants to bare their manhood to a bunch of lawyers, especially if you're a President with a chronic dignity problem. Michael Jackson had to do it in his child molestation case, and he said it was the "most humiliating" thing he had ever been through. And if anyone is beyond humiliation, it's Michael Jackson. (It's a little ironic that the same people who complained about the President talking about his underwear on MTV have no problem with him basically exposing himself in court.) Furthermore, the President may be one of the most powerful men in the world, but what possible distinguishing characteristics can there be on the President's johnson? I've always been under the impression that once you've seen one, you've seen them all. And let's say you were in a room with a guy who pulled out his penis when you didn't want him to. Would you turn away in disgust or horror, or sit staring at it, examining its unique collection of birthmarks?

And even if Jones does ID it correctly, that may not prove anything. Surely, there are many people in Little Rock who have seen that thing. A lot's been made about how the elites initially believed Anita Hill but not Jones. But surely the behavior Hill described was far more common. I know a lot of people who made inappropriate sexual comments at work. I don't know anyone who's pulled out his dick.

So let the circus begin. But I'm pretty confident that the Prez will previal. Still, if you're one of those pathological Clinton haters, don't despair. There will soon be other bizarre new scandals. If there's anything we can be sure of with Clinton, it is that.

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