Editor's note: We are not responsible for the broken furniture Mr. De Frog left in the Key West Hilton during his stay there. Nor do we know the whereabouts of Gertrude, the cleaning lady.

Yellow Dog: Mr. De Frog. Or Kermit, if we may.

Kermit: Jesus. This place stinks.

Yellow Dog: Ahem. Yes. Please excuse the mess. It appears that our hair stylist had a little party last night and threw up on some of the computers.

Kermit: What the hell's wrong with you people?

Yellow Dog: Kermit, if you could just clear up for our readers, what happened with Liz and the baloney incident?

Kermit: It was Liz's fault. Piggy was in the shower, and I was making the sandwich. Next thing I know, Liz is attacking Piggy with an Oscar Meyer the size of a Louisville Slugger. Let me tell you, it was ugly. But hey, this is off the record. Don't print this.

Yellow Dog: Of course not. We're professionals.

Kermit: Anyway, I'd rather talk about my new movie, "Rectal Massacre." It's with Billy Dee Williams and the lady who played Mrs. Roper.

Yellow Dog: Groovy.

Kermit: There's this great scene where Mrs. Roper is trapped in a sewer, and I have to rescue her in my underwear. Of course, she's not called Mrs. Roper. I think her name is Big Mamma.

Yellow Dog: What about Piggy? Will you two get back together?

Kermit: There's a lot about Piggy that the public doesn't know about. The betrayal with Steve Martin during The Muppet Movie. The fetish with oreo cookies. The fact that she's Jewish.

Yellow Dog: This brings up the anti-semitism question.

Kermit: I'd rather not get into that.

Yellow Dog: Kermit, has the Academy ignored you?

Kermit: Listen, I'm not one to bad mouth the academy, those bastards. But the work I did in The Muppets Take Manhatten was some of the hardest work I ever did in my life. I had to share a trailer with Dr. Teeth and the guy walked around naked all day. I almost died. The horror. The horror.

Yellow Dog: Will there be another Muppet movie?

Kermit: I doubt it. My heart's not in it anymore. If the money was right, maybe. If Raquel Welch would agree to be my love interest and do a shower scene with me, yes.

Yellow Dog: Do you feel that the Muppet madness that shook the 80's is over?

Kermit: The 80's were a great time. Pat Benatar. Reagan. Qualudes. We were stars. But we've moved on to other things. Fozi's working as an assistant to Regis. Scooter's a male dancer. Beaker has had bit parts on Seinfeld, Family Matters, and that show with the lesbian. But I don't think the Muppet madness will ever end. Not as long a simple frog can sing and dance his way into the hearts of millions.

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