Editor's note: In an interview with rap star Bugsy Bugsy Ice in Yellow Dog #8, Bugsy Bugsy Ice refered to fellow rap star L.L.X.Y. as a "No good dog fucking whore who's gonna get his ass shot up one day in a Burger King parking lot." The article caused quite an uproar with L.L.X.Y. and his agent. The editors of Yellow Dog have decided to allow L.L. to respond to Bugsy's remarks and allegations of bestiality. What follows is an honest account of one rapper's desire to clear the record and his name as well.

Yellow Dog: L.L. You were greatly disturbed over the Bugsy Bugsy Ice interview, weren't you?

L.L.X.Y: Damn fucking straight. That boy gone and dissed me. What he said about the dog and all that. I just want my fans to know that that shit ain't down. I never touched no dog 'exceptin to pat his head.

Yellow Dog: But you have touched a dog?

L.L.X.Y: Shut your ass up! Just on the head.

Yellow Dog: L.L. What about the allegations about the woman's underpants?

L.L.X.Y: Look. I'm a serious artist here, you know what I mean? I don't wear women's clothing unless it's absolutely necessary.

Yellow Dog: I believe you. This magazine believes you. I'm sure the entire rap world believes you. Yet, something still seems wrong here. There's still this gut feeling that you aren't being entirely honest.

L.L.X.Y: Maybe I have worn women's underpants a few times. And a bra. But like I said, Jack, that wasn't nothing. And either was the lipstick.

Yellow Dog: No. I meant about the dog.

L.L.X.Y: I just want the world to know that I'm an artist. This shit happened to Queen Latifah and y'all forgave her ass. So forgive me. I got records to make and fans to please.

Yellow Dog: Speaking of records, will we see a rebuttal to this incident in the next album.

L.L.X.Y: I'm glad you asked, homeboy. You bet. I'm working on it right now. It's called, "See Me Dead In a Burger King? I'll See Your Ass Dead."

Yellow Dog: Can we get a sample?

L.L.X.Y: Sure. "Your stink head/gonna be dead/shoot you full of lead/make your bed/my name ain't Fred/you be in Burger King instead." That's what I got so far.

Yellow Dog: Chilling.

L.L.X.Y: Yea. All I'm saying is I don't want to see Bugsy hanging out in the hood in Compton. Not if he knows what's good for him.

Yellow Dog: But don't you live in Coral Gables?

L.L.X.Y: Shut your ass up!

Yellow Dog: L.L. Is there any truth to the rumors that you will be taking Bugsy's old girlfriend, Brenda Swatch, out on the road?

L.L.X.Y: Ain't revenge sweet? Now see who does dogs. Yo!

Yellow Dog: L.L. I'm hearing a scared, confused child who really yearns for his mother's breast, not the cruel rough and tumble world of rap music where a man's life is worth only the value of his last hit. Am I correct here?

L.L.X.Y: I hope you ain't talking about my momma.

Yellow Dog: Forget it. Can you ever forgive Bugsy? Is it possible that there will one day be reconciliation?

L.L.X.Y: Yea, sure. When I got the Uzi gunning down his hairy ass. I do dogs? Well hear this: Bugsy Bugsy Ice wets his bed. I seen it.

Yellow Dog: You've been in Bugsy Bugsy Ice's bed?

L.L.X.Y: Shut up.

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