was tired. He was lying on the bed with a coke in his hand looking at the Italian trash TV. Tits, bottoms and almost naked pussies: that was all! Even the news was filled with that stuff. The elections were finished and the journalists had to find a subject: sex was always good. Ulysses heard someone talking about the summer. It had arrived suddenly, without knocking at the door or advising with a phone call. He heard the voices meowing.

"That's all pollution's fault!" said the woman screaming.

"She's certainly the maid" thought Ulysses turning up the TV's volume. He was in the hotel trying to rest, to have a peaceful afternoon before a dark night in Rome would drive him crazy. He just wanted a simple, normal, easy, fucking bitch. He could try with the maid, probably she could help him to relax. Ulysses heard her voice again. She was screaming.

"I can't really say it... But it is on the dailies... And the television was saying it too..."

"What the hell? The television was saying too?" asked Ulysses to himself. "What the hell was she speaking about?"

"I am really afraid to stay in this hotel" said the maid. "I think I'll take a week off... I don't care if I am going to lose money."

Ulysses turned off the television. He jumped out from the bed and went to the door. His hears were listening attentive and concentrate: not to lose any single word.

"Two tourists had been killed... In this hotel... By a strange virus... The embassies are forewarning their citizens..."

Ulysses shook his head. He couldn't believe what he heard. He was in a hotel were two tourists had been killed by a strange disease. He opened the newspaper and checked immediately. His fingers were running through the pages. The article was in the local section. It was true. A virus. A dangerous mortal virus. Not even a sexual virus that he could take precautions against. No. It was a fucking misterious virus flying on the air. Ulysses looked around. Probably it was fluttering on his head in that moment. Just beside him, hamletly deciding if to attack or not to attack. Ulysses called the receptionist. He was freaking out. She told him to calm down. "There is no danger" she repeated kindly. "I assure you sir..." she tried to say.

Ulysses was not sure at all. He knew Italy had millions of tourists each summer. And when they lose a pair of them it's not a big deal.

"Has a sanitary inspector arrived?" asked Ulysses alarmed.

"No sir!" she said.

"Is he supposed to arrive?"

"No sir!"

"Are you a biologist?"

"No sir! Of course!"

"So how the hell do you know that there is nothing to worry about?" screamed Ulysses at the telephone. "How could you know that we are not in the middle of the first drill of a viral terroristic group?"

Ulysses didn't hear her answer.

"Are you still there?" he asked.

"No sir!" she said. "I am coming up."

Ulysses lit a cigarette and waited. Five minutes passed.

Ulysses lit the second cigarette and stopped walking nervously through the room. Ten minutes passed.

Ulysses was lighting his tenth cigarette. It was a half hour he was waiting for her. He was mad. Called her back.

"I am sorry" said a different voice. "My colleague left five minutes ago. May I help you?"

"Yes, the bill" said Ulysses roughly.

"Sir, aren't you just arrived?" asked the new girl innocently.

"Yes and I'll come back the same day the sanitary inspector will come."

"Is a sanitary inspector coming here?"

"No!" said Ulysses. "If a virus could be in here," he added "you can be sure he would never come. That's why I'm leaving."

Mr. Ulysses, the Sexual Literary Correspondent, will consider your opinions, complaints, doubts and suggestions.

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